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Chinese translation for "false acceptance"


Related Translations:
acceptance rate:  飞机容许进场率接受率录取率票据贴现率认赚率(居者有其计划)验收比率
false membrane:  伪膜
false bearing:  假方位间接支承虚假向位
false lapis:  假青金石,假天蓝石天蓝石
false add:  半加无进位加法
false bill:  假单据假票据
false group:  冒充群体
false indigo:  假木兰
false life:  额外生命值虚假生命暂时生命术
false infection:  假侵染
Example Sentences:
1.Since the last seven digits of a phone number are not unique and are in the public domain , the security of the system would be undermined if two users ' fingerprints were similar enough to generate a false acceptance
2.Matches will rarely be perfect , and the owners of the system can vary a sensitivity threshold so as to minimize either the rate of false rejections , which annoy users , or false acceptances , which jeopardize security
对比很少是十全十美的,系统的主人可以改变灵敏度的门限值,以便减少不真实的拒绝(这将使用户恼怒)或不真实的接受(这将破坏安全) 。
Similar Words:
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